New Update - Balance changes, bug fixes and new features!

New Features:

  • Goblin now offers bombs. Use with 'G' by default.
  • 4 new powerups: Blessing, Greed, Curse, and Revive.
  • Quest items now come with unique buffs - such as +1 dash, enemies explode upon death, and more.
  • Upon death/revive the screen fades to black/white instead of the game ending abruptly.
  • Removed the difficulty menu.

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved an issue where black lines would appear between tiles.
  • Fixed an issue where your character played wouldn't recieve your inventory stats if it's the initial game startup.
  • Corrected a miscalculation of attack speed.
  • Fixed quest item stat panels extending off-screen.

Balance Changes:

  • Reduced the frequency chests appear at.
  • Adjusted the distrubution of stats on chest items, reducing variety of stats on each item while increasing their values.
  • Increased the rarity of gold drops.
  • Increased prices on goblin.
  • Increased HP of all enemies slightly.

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